
Our goal

Revealing the love of Christ by living today in the Kingdom of God, which power and grace is able to cause the transformation of other people.

Our vision

Centers of God’s Love along with Assemblies manifesting the love of Christ in practice. Realization Canteens, day-rooms, orphanages, dosshouses for the poor, shelters, homes for mothers with children, daytime centers, hostels, emergency centers, detoxification centers for alcoholics, centers of assistance, hospices, old age homes, farms in a countryside, bread houses, banks of food, consulting points, hospitals, Christian kindergartens and schools, prisons with a Christian program of social rehabilitation, occupational activation centers, Christian psychological and crisis counseling services, consulting-therapeutic points, worship center, motivation trainings, coaching, social integration centers, etc. …

Our aims:

  • Faithful in little things 
  • Care in detail Sanctified life
  • Patience in hardships
  • Sincere kindness Enthusiasm for learning
  • Simplicity of the heart

Our motto:

God is not a God of your right but a God of relationship.